Fort Lapin 10


Fort Lapin 10 with branded glass. Copyright 2017 by Andrew Dunn.

Spring break is here in East Tennessee, which has mercifully allowed me some time to actually work on this blog.

In discussing a future honeymoon to Belgium some friends plan to take this summer, I thought about some of the great beers we sampled on our own trip. What amazes me still is the wide variety available.

Dark sweet brews, bright sour lambics, tasty hop bombs. Any beer lover can find something appealing.

As I have mentioned, I tend to skew to the dark side (of beer). Quads or Belgian strong darks are specifically my favorites. So while I cast a wide net in Belgium, I was always looking for the big ones.

Fort Lapin is a small brewery run in Bruges, Belgium, which is where I sampled the brewery’s quad, Fort Lapin 10.

Smell: The nose is malty and yeasty, but it’s not a strong smell.


Fort Lapin poured into branded glass. Copyright 2017 by Andrew Dunn.

Sight: The beer pours dark brown with a big lacy beige head.

Taste: Fort Lapin 10 has a heavy roasted malt flavor. The character is much more similar to a porter or stout rather than a quad. There are some herbal notes as well.

Alcohol: Well, the alcohol is 10 percent as the name would suggest. But the taste isn’t too heavy on the booze.

Overall: I’m less wild about quads that are roasty like this one. I can’t say I would get it again.

Bottom line: You can find a Fort Lapin for a few euros.